Friday, November 29, 2013

What I am thankful for...

This Thanksgiving I started the day a little down. My family is mostly all six hours away from me and I was stuck in LA working without them. For the few days before the holiday I even told my husband that this year just didn't feel like Thanksgiving. Usually my family would start doing all the prepping a week or two in advance. We would all decide who was making what and when we would all meet up. It's usually really exciting. We will all relax on the day of and watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade on tv. 

But this year, we didn't do any of that. So, my heart was heavy on Thanksgiving. 

That was, until, I took the time to look around me. I saw the relationships I had made here in LA that weren't family but had become my family over the years. Even though my blood family was 350 miles away, I was still surrounded by love and affection here in the valley. 

So, I learned something particularly valuable this Thanksgiving...I learned that your family is what you make it. In this big, crazy world it is silly to think that everything will always work out perfectly and everyone will be able to spend every holiday with family. And it is in those times that you learn to forge additional family members with the people you come in contact with everyday. 

So, to wrap this long rambling post up...this year is learned that I am not only thankful for my family but I am also thankful for my LA family who always remind me how loved and cherished I am. Additonally, I am thankful for my marriage gained family whom I have come to love so much. They have become permanent fixtures in my life and I couldn't imagine life without them. 

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 

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