Thursday, January 9, 2014

Big money...

I had an appointment with the financial aid office at my school today to discuss my tuition and loans for this upcoming academic year starting in April 2014.  Usually, talking about such big money (about 137,000 dollars) really freaks me out! But, today as I sat there talking about what my options were to pay my remaining bill, I was surprisingly calm.

Something I have really learned this past year is that money is only money.  Money comes and goes.  Nothing good comes about from hoarding large sums of money.  When you die, you will NOT take it with you.

Don't get me wrong, I think being financially intelligent and not spending money frivolously is the right way to go.  I am all about investing and paying your bills on time.  I have a savings plan that I add into all the time.

What I'm saying is, there is no real reason to be stressed about money.  Stress has major impact on one's health and life expectancy. Stress damages your heart, your brain, your skin....the list goes on and on.

Whatever happens is going to happen and most of the time there is nothing you can do about it, and if there is something you can do about it, then do it.  Its that simple.  My theory is do your best everyday, do what you are supposed to do, and then hope everything works out because you've put in the work to make it so.  And then, if it doesn't put in the work to make it right again.

Deep thoughts for a Thursday...but I was inspired when on my way home from my financial aid appointment I saw a major car crash.  All I could think was "things could be SO much worse..." then my financial worries for the future.  I am healthy, my husband and my family and all the people I care about are healthy.  Life is good.    

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