Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Life can be so overwhelming sometimes...

Sometimes I wonder if everyone else is like me in that when they get overwhelmed their mind basically freaks out.  At the moment I am planning a wedding (24 more days), going to school full time, working, and trying to manage my time well to distribute it to family and friends.  With all that said, recently, I have been extremely overwhelmed.  Trying to find the balance of it all is one thing but when I have bills to pay and grades to make it can push me past my breaking point.

My fiancĂ© told me today, when I had a moment of absolute panic (bless him), to just focus on the parts I need to get done today.  It became much more manageable when I could look at it that way.  Today I focused on spending time with my mom, getting a couple things done for the wedding, and doing some homework in the evening.  When I could break it down into smaller more manageable chunks it was easier to digest.  If I don't I end up looking at the giant pile of things I need to do (laundry, checks to write, cars to wash, people to visit and call and check in on, projects to finish, papers to write, chapters to read....AHHHHHH!) If I do that I end up crawling back into bed and saying forget it!

I have always been like that and the people closest to me have learned to tell me to break it into chunks.  When I am reminded of that point I am okay.  But today I became curious as to how other people do it. Do they just deal with the anxiety?  Or do they not feel that anxiety at all?  Do they do what I do?  Or do they try to get it all done in one day?  I began thinking, maybe there is a better way!  Because mine only works if I can remember to do it and usually only after I have had a couple freak out moments.

I have been doing my best lately to let things go.  Letting the person who cut me off go...letting the rude person at work go...letting a mistake I have made go...

It is difficult on some days.  Today was one of them.  I was irritable and grouchy all day.  Emotionally drained.  To be honest, I felt like a total lunatic for the majority of the day!  One second I was okay and the next I was drowning in my panic and the next I was snapping at my cat to leave me alone.

I think what I am learning from days like this is that it happens.  One bad day or two bad days or even a whole bad month doesn't mean that its all bad.  It just means that its a little crazy right now.  In a couple days or a few months from now it might calm down or it might be an all new kind of crazy!  Who knows?!  All I know is that life moves so fast.  You never know what is coming.  So enjoy every second of it.  If you need to be grouchy for a bit, be grouchy.  But then pick yourself back up and try again.  

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