Monday, January 28, 2013


Definition of DOGMA

a : something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet
b : a code of such tenets <pedagogical dogma>
c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate ground. 

Steve Jobs described dogma as "living with the results of other people's thinking," and to be perfectly honest,  I think his quote is right on target.  He probably knew first hand what that felt like.  He dropped out of college after only six months and went on for quite a few years just experimenting with all kinds of odd things.  Do you think most people supported his decision then?

However, what if Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, had never dropped out of college? What if he had stuck to his major and graduated like everybody else usually does?  Do you think he would have been as wildly successful as he was? Probably not.

To take this story even further, what if, a few years after starting Apple, Jobs hadn't resigned as CEO of the business to start another company he thought might do better? Although that business didn't do so well and was eventually bought out by Apple where Steve Jobs returned as CEO, Jobs bought Pixar during this rough patch and created one of the biggest, if not the biggest, animation companies in the world! Do you think his family and friends thought he was crazy then?

Something that I am learning is to not care about other people's opinions of me.  Other's opinions will change constantly and they aren't worth the time and effort of keeping up with.  

I'm not quite sure what I want to do with my life and at times, that can weigh quite heavily on my mind.  Sometimes it feels like everyone around me has a plan and I am lost in my own confusion! That's when I remind myself that this is my life and anything and everything that I decide to do is completely my choice.  I have often been criticized for not going to college after high school but to be perfectly honest, I feel that my path is leading me elsewhere.  I'm not quite sure where yet, but I'm figuring it out as I go.  

One of my favorite quotes is by Eleanor Roosevelt.  It says "Do what you feel in your heart to be right--for you'll be criticized anyway."  My life is not set in stone at twenty years old.  So many things can alter my destination.  One thing I am sure of though is that I am truly excited to get there.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just Breathe

As I am getting older, I like to think I am growing into a better person each and every day.  I have my set backs.  Some days, I am unexplainably furious at everyone and everything and some days I have little to no self confidence in myself.  However, more and more I am learning that I am strong.  I am realizing that no matter what has happened in the past and regardless what my future holds for me, I am certainly capable of living my life to the fullest each and every day.

I recently read "the trick is to enjoy life.  Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." -Marjorie Pay Hinckley

This quote is so profound to me.  Especially now that I am watching some of the girls I used to babysit grow and mature, I am finding myself constantly reminding them that this time in their lives is special.  It is not only necessary, but probably one of the most freedom filled times in their lives! (Of course, they beg to differ...)  It's funny because you don't see it until you've passed it and then there is no going back.  And I am sure there is somebody reading this who is older than me who is thinking to themselves, "just you've just begun."  I am also coming to terms with that fact and dealing with it the best way I know how: living each day like it's my last; savoring the sweetest moments; and then pushing aside the bad ones.

One of my favorite songs right now is "Catch My Breath" by Kelly Clarkson because it completely captures the way I am feeling right now.  Take a moment and watch this video.  This should be every twenty year old woman's mantra.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Exciting Things are Happenin' in 2013

Last year was a little crazy with a lot of low points for me, but this year seems to be shaping out pretty well!  It goes to show that at the end of a storm there is always a rainbow.

I am really excited for all of the memories that will be made this year.  I am making it a personal goal to worry less about money and to care more about time spent with family and friends.  If you think about it, that's all that will matter in the end, right?  We can't take any money with us when it's all over.  It is such a sobering thought that my life is not guaranteed.  I could be very lucky and have another sixty or seventy years on this earth or I could die tomorrow.  Will I want to die rich with money or rich with love?

Something I have been thinking about lately is how my attitude really impacts how my day goes.  One little thing, like someone cutting me off on the way to work, can either piss me off and then continue to ruin my day for the next 12 or so hours, or I can let it go and chalk it up to someone is in a hurry and it is most definitely not something I should even care about.  The minute details that make up our lives can either make us or break us depending on how we internalize them and then project them onto the people in our lives.

This is something I am trying to use in my life.  Sometimes it is tough to remember when someone is absolutely rude to you in every way, but if I put in the effort and take the time to diffuse a situation instead of fuel it, it all turns out wayyyy better in the end!  

So many things in my life are going well.  Why let little bad things distract me from the mountain of positive things?  Right?

And if you are having one of those days that just won't stop going down hill, watch this.  Trust me, it will make everything better.